just out of her teens,restless,careless,dreamy,disorganised,intelligent, rock fan,possessive,lovable,second year pharmacy,delhi,india..eccentric..hysteric..rebel without a cause..the world through my eyes
tina_ turner's Articles In Misc
September 11, 2004 by tina_ turner
okay...so here i was on d friday at nine thirty in morning sweating my brains out....just two hours to go for d prelim founders day debate selection ...and i had no idea wat i was going to say...!!!!! somebody help me...!... okay so remembering bridget and inner poise(hardly....some role models ..ahem!.) i collected my wandering thoughts and got down to work twenty minutes to go i still havent rehearsed ny speech im gonna be late no i think im gonna die okay so i finally make it to t...
September 13, 2004 by tina_ turner
okay...so im dying to spill the beans...not that i have something grt to tell ,but then anyways... i got boredto death today ...i kno you read that already....so wat else? its monday and its some two hours free after d morning classes ...and i cant relate to my batchmates....(plus when i came for d comp lab after lunch dey all looked so happy and content....(burp...!!!)and well u kno,like dey had a top secret ...upto sumthin really its so much better wen everybody's sad)so d end r...
September 29, 2004 by tina_ turner
sometimes i really wonder if der's anyone out there who sincerely wants you to do well in life....i mean apart from your parents n all,....i mean most of the pple are probably waiting for you to fall off that wall (like humpty dumpty...) so that they can have a good laugh...i mean i dont mind it if its competition and all that ...or if ur jealous of your friends success which is a pretty human tendency ..because afterall who wants to be left behind...
September 19, 2004 by tina_ turner
okay so i got my first comment ..and i cant help grinning from ear to ear ...but to tell you the truth somehow i knew this article wud attract attention.. so is my life more interesting or some dead philosopher's? well i say that because i play the lead in this high drama called "my life"...i will definitely not allow the spotlight to be trained on "YOU ALL" or for that matter some old bygone' has been'......thats right have you tried spinach and mushroom pasta ...its the most yumm ...
September 18, 2004 by tina_ turner
have you read the teachings of swami vivekananda? believe me try it his philosphy ,his way of thinking found a ready follower in me.....felt like i'd finally come home . "you are the creator of your own destiny..do something,it is better to do something even if wrong than to do nothing at all... come up o lions..and shake of the delusion you are sheep , you are souls immortal spirits free blest and eternal...... be free, hope from nothing from anyone ..... have an ideal,the vast...
September 13, 2004 by tina_ turner
okay...so im dying to spill the beans...not that i have something grt to tell ,but then anyways... i got boredto death today ...i kno you read that already....so wat else? its monday and its some two hours free after d morning classes ...and i cant relate to my batchmates....(plus when i came for d comp lab after lunch dey all looked so happy and content....(burp...!!!)and well u kno,like dey had a top secret ...upto sumthin really its so much better wen everybody's sad)so d end r...
November 18, 2004 by tina_ turner
got up at seven ,did stretches,abdomen exercises for 45 minutes ,aerobic exercise (running up and down the stairs) :10 times reached college at fifteen min. to nine ,went to college library to study ,came back home for lunch,studied pathophysiology i was watching a serial "hello dollie"...absolutely loove it...its basically about this clumsy,funny,hyperactive ,schoolgirl whos always talikng to herself ,about her frds,her crushes,about how she always gets late for class coz she hates drin...
November 17, 2004 by tina_ turner
why the hell am i always stuck in second gear....? pleaaase god theres got to be an answer to this one ...i mean you have to absolutely have to answer this one ...why the hell can't i have an absolute ten on ten figure,...a great ,dashing,smart ,good looking,witty,funny,caring,sensitive ,romantic,perfect hunk of a male for a boyfriend ....who dances like patrick swayze ,plays guitar like kurt cobain ,and spends his vacations abroad....why the hell can't i get up on time ,get ready in a jiffy...
November 6, 2004 by tina_ turner
got up at eleven..went to college library at 12...studied for almost three hrs...came back home,had my lunch..n plan to finish microbiology , pharmacology today... till i catch u next keep smiling
October 25, 2004 by tina_ turner
had my organic chem exam today and funny thing was that somehow all the questions looked like they had the same answers... )yes wen out of a few thousand(okay...maybe i'm exaggerating..!!) chemical reactions all you can remember is a measly six or seven and that too not in whole ..then you can't help but write the same eqations in all d qs..albeit with a different presentation each time (smart.. .. aint i ?)the first two qs were okay( being conceptual n no mugging reqd,) but thereafter it wa...
October 18, 2004 by tina_ turner
no i'm not talking about the wickets remaining in a india-australia cricket match or the number of touchdowns scored in a baseball match(...forgive me if i'm not making any sense coz frankly i've no clue about baseball.. )but my theory sessional exams..today was my first theory paper (maths and biostats...) following which is a rather long list of subjects..the thing that makes me absolutely mad is that inspite of mugging up the formulas of median,mode etc ..wen i did start doing the ...
October 17, 2004 by tina_ turner
i love winter evenings so much that i almost hate them.. ) esp wen 'nothing's gonna stop us now " is playing on my radio...can't help but think of unrealized dreams,(like learning the guitar ,my own rock band ,a perfect figure..for instance...)n all the things i want to be or achieve ... see i am getting senti..thats wat winter evenings do to me...a pretty usual syndrome starts around 5o'clock with "hits and memories" (..have you ever wondered why is it that good western music makes you fe...
October 15, 2004 by tina_ turner
had my microbiology practical exam today ....n i'm proud to announce that out of a class of thirty i was one of the few to get 11/12 in the experiment...basically you had to prepare a stained slide of unknown microbial culture and identify the org as gram +ve or gram-ve,the tough part being obviously the identification...but the good thing about my exp. was that i cud easily see rod shaped cells in my slide...which are most of the times gm -ve the synopsis also went pretty well..considering...
October 13, 2004 by tina_ turner
did i tell you tom cruise absolutely stuns in his new movie ....yes i'm talking about COLLATERAL ..really one hell of a good movie,though slow n boring at first ...it's got a grt climax..see it...had my pharmacology practical today..well,it was not my idea of a perfect exam...but then there are some days everybody's stuck in second gear...one of the questions i (..for a change .. ) knew d answer to got left out thx to some grt time management..by the time i set up d apparatus threaded the ...