just out of her teens,restless,careless,dreamy,disorganised,intelligent, rock fan,possessive,lovable,second year pharmacy,delhi,india..eccentric..hysteric..rebel without a cause..the world through my eyes
Published on November 18, 2004 By tina_ turner In Misc
got up at seven ,did stretches,abdomen exercises for 45 minutes ,aerobic exercise (running up and down the stairs) :10 times
reached college at fifteen min. to nine ,went to college library to study ,came back home for lunch,studied pathophysiology
i was watching a serial "hello dollie"...absolutely loove it...its basically about this clumsy,funny,hyperactive ,schoolgirl whos always talikng to herself ,about her frds,her crushes,about how she always gets late for class coz she hates drinking milk,how she overreacts at even the simplest situations,esp like her frd"sid" whos always there for her when she's feeling like a loser to tell her shes one of the most real,genuine people he's ever met..! reminds me of my own schooldays

on Nov 28, 2004
Hey tina..how u doin? finished wit ur exams eh? Ive been trying to excersise too..went for this long long walk/jog..came home and ate choc almonds and potato chips..not sure whats up...
