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to let my creative juices flow..
just out of her teens,restless,careless,dreamy,disorganised,intelligent, rock fan,possessive,lovable,second year pharmacy,delhi,india..eccentric..hysteric..rebel without a cause..the world through my eyes
pathophysiology blues..
Published on November 9, 2004 By
tina_ turner
Pure Technology
i am doing grt..
) (tina..the die hard optimist...!) so pathophysiology marks are out and i have failed by two marks ...checked out the paper of the topper....and i should admit that i'll have to change my coursebook..the thing is i have been studying from "harsh mohan" which is a pretty confused book so will change over to "ross and wilson"...moreover in style of writing would have to be more direct,answer only pertaining to the question asked and write with clarity ,not repeat the same things or points write under focussed headings ..with a good flow ,content and underline the important points
till i catch u next
there's always scope for improvement
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on Nov 09, 2004
interesting blog
on Nov 09, 2004
Ahh... damn.. 'ure cho chweet' : to quote certain ppl..
HEY!!!.. Seems like you had a rocking time..
My sisters sitting here.. can't let her knw abt my blog... hehe. I think she's reading this,.. probably will pester me for days..
Comment later...
on Nov 09, 2004
Nice to read ur blog after long long time.
I was under the impression that 'harsh mohan' was mainly a pathology book. I use to read it during my pathology year. Though it says pathophysio but it covers mainly the patho part. And its not the best book around but still its lot easier to read and prepare for an exam from it.
Not sure abt the other one u mentioned. Mostly med students use Robbins or Goljans for pathophysiology but not sure if its suitable for ur course. But i am sure any book can do the trick, u just have to reconsider ur reading and exam taking streatgies.
tina_ turner
on Nov 10, 2004
hey doc..where have u been?nice to have u back,stick around!...
on Nov 10, 2004
eh.......though i understand nuthing of it,its jes fun 2 know wots happening in ur life
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