just out of her teens,restless,careless,dreamy,disorganised,intelligent, rock fan,possessive,lovable,second year pharmacy,delhi,india..eccentric..hysteric..rebel without a cause..the world through my eyes
...this n that
Published on September 28, 2004 By tina_ turner In Blogging
i read chetan bhagat's "five point someone "..what not to do at IIT
so how did i find it?
frankly...i was disappointed...i mean sure its about three very differnt friends and their ordeals during college life..but then it has nothing new to offer,..its an easy read though ...very breezy,casual writing style.. one which immediately gets u involved
in fact i finished the entire book in some three four hrs at night...
i saw "the terminal" at pvr saket..partly to celebrate my sister's visa ...n partly coz i wanted to see a steven spielberg....wudn't say its mindblowing but..yes a very sensitive film made on a very rare issue..grt performance by tom hanks as usual,worth a watch.....
till i catch ya next
keep that smile..

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