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to let my creative juices flow..
just out of her teens,restless,careless,dreamy,disorganised,intelligent, rock fan,possessive,lovable,second year pharmacy,delhi,india..eccentric..hysteric..rebel without a cause..the world through my eyes
straight from the heart
Published on October 18, 2004 By
tina_ turner
Personal Computing
it's been a pretty emotional day...n i'm not going to edit this post just keep writing watever comes to my mind,heart...yes even as i'm typing can't stop the tears...hmmm...first had a pretty wild fight with my sister..and then later in the night as i was watching a chat show about sibling rivalry ...some of my own pent up emotions came to the fore ...they were going on about how parents send some very positive signals to one child during childhood and the other child feels that they don't love him as much ,which manifests in his personality in later years...you know honestly speaking it takes a lot of guts to be fair because as humans we of course tend to like someone more than other person ..but then as parents you have to like love your kids equally ..you have to appreciate their personalities equally because at a tender young age ur confidence in their personalities and the way they are wud help them bloom ...n wen u don't instill in their childhood that you love them just the way they are u nip the beautiful flowers in the bud...you have to understand that everybody has a different temperament,personality....n in those differences lies their uniqueness..
speaking of myself i being the youngest of the two my folks were most of the times pretty anxious about me..as in whether i wud do well in studies or not ..etc so though my dad had great confidence in my faculties ..my abilities..my brain but not much faith that i cud do it all alone(..primarily because he loved me so much that he was always worried about me...)mothers i feel as compared to fathers are bit more partial with daughters..but then one should understand that a child doesnot understand that your reasons are entirely personal ..that there is nothing wrong with him but it is you who as a human likes one person over another...i remember as a kid i had written some poem about how everybody was ga ga about my sis and wen i showed it to mom she was so casual about it..like it was no big issue,i love both of you the same ...but you should understand mom that if i wrote a poem about it i probably felt really strongly about it at that time ..maybe it was an issue ..maybe wat you thought of me as a person was important to me...n maybe for once you should have reacted like a parent and not a individual.
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on Oct 19, 2004
Hi Tina, I dont know frm where u landed up on my blog. And thats sweet comment! Thankx for visiting that I got a good link and a good blog to read. Good Day.
on Oct 21, 2004
Hi girl,
I agree with u.. Its really imp to try to see a child for who they r n nurture their self confidence at a young age. Unfortunately, alot of desi parents arent really into encouraging and they seem to stick to more of an authoritative type of parenting... primarily, discipline. They need to incorporate more expressive love with discipline...thats authoritarian type of parenting n is suppose to be the best way to raise a child..
tina_ turner
on Oct 21, 2004
well..actually no because i think parents here are more expressive about their love for der kids ...in ways it wud probably be hard for foreigners to understand.
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